Loan Calculator
Loan Calculator helps you to calculate monthly payment, interest rate, term, interest or loan amount. It allows to create payment schedule and to plan repayment of the loan. Also using this app you can track you loans and never forget about payments.
The main features of the app (free edition):- Support of both types of loans: annuity and differentiated
- Ability to calculate any of main parameters of the loan (monthly payment, amount, interest rate or term)
- Ability to calculate a schedule of repayment using different interest options
- Ability to calculate any early payment and see how it affects your further loan
- You can save and track your loans with this app
- The app will notify you when the payment time comes
Features of the full edition:
- Synchronization of loans between devices
- Reccuring extra payments
- Export loan to PDF
- Export loan to CSV
- No ads
Features of the limited edition:
- Recurring extra payments
- Export loan to PDF
- Export loan to CSV
- No ads